If you have had success finding or selling a BMW Z3 Coupe and would like to leave a small finders or sellers fee, of course we'll accept it, but do not feel in any way obligated. We love what we do!
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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
2002 BMW Z3 3.0 engine 5spd manual transmission Black leather seats are in great condition floor mats present. Very rare, very reliable. Always serviced on time. Zero leaks zero not even a little anywhere. Looks almost new underneath. An absolute pleasure to drive You will have people asking about it/complimenting at every gas station and I mean every time. I took the car in on trade and will trade for a truck nearer the 20k mark. Rebuilt title reflects the 15k asking price. Cash is king.
Private Spokane Valley, WA
This would make an awesome driver with it's lower mileage. I love sterling gray and it also has extended black interior. I wish it had some interior photos though. The price seems very fair to me.
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Sharpsburg, GA - $17,995.00 71,000 miles
Malibu, CA - $20,000.00 27,000 miles
Spartanburg, SC 73,000 miles
Mount Airy, NC - $20,000.00 126,862 miles
Boiling Spring Lakes, NC - $16,750.00 157,000 miles