If you have had success finding or selling a BMW Z3 Coupe and would like to leave a small finders or sellers fee, of course we'll accept it, but do not feel in any way obligated. We love what we do!
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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
Salvage Z3 coupe manual, runs but needs lots of work. No subframe issues but has spots of rust from original accident has extended leather that needs recovering. Make an interesting track car project. Need to clean up some projects. Windshield is out needs to be towed. Has original rims with bad rubber, DS1's for 600$
Private Fed Way, WA
We saw this coupe listed about a year and a half ago. No mileage listed this time, but last year it had 168k. It sounds like it has extended leather interior which is a new detail and makes it very rare. I hope someone saves it!
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Sharpsburg, GA - $17,995.00 71,000 miles
Boiling Spring Lakes, NC - $16,750.00 157,000 miles
Mount Airy, NC - $20,000.00 126,862 miles
Houston, TX - $15,500.00 96,000 miles
Staten Island, NY - $27,000.00 45,000 miles